Mississippi News
Ensuring a Healthcare Safety Net for All Mississippians
The MAA commends the Mississippi Legislature and Governor Tate Reeves for joining several other states in protecting patient’s access to emergency and non-emergency medical care by passing and enacting the new Mississippi law that sets minimum standards for fair compensation for ambulance providers by insurance companies. Learn more here.

Recently, at the First Responder Caucus, MAA members had the opportunity to thank all legislators for continuing to support pre-hospital care in MS every day and through this legislative session. Several legislators mentioned having heard from their local EMS provider and how much it was appreciated. Pictured are fire, law enforcement, EMS and legislators that attended the meeting.

The MAA and all of our MS ambulance provider members would like to thank the 2024 House of Representatives for passing Bills 1489 and 1629. These bills will now pass to the Senate. We appreciate the Legislature’s support through legislation that make a difference in EMS to the citizens and Ambulance Service Providers.